I find this in #Christianity Today, that the Holy Spirit is active in the One True Church of #Christ. How is that Spirit Active? It Impels people of the #Truth to imitate the Christ who imitated Jehovah the Supreme. How? They first cultivated Christ-like thinking as they take in knowledge of him and the knowledge of future events of God’s Kingdom after #Armageddon. The Christ was had love for his neighbors, he would never imagine killing one of them. This would be the same regardless of what was happening around him! Even if his neighbors had entered into a war with another nation, his allegiance to God’s values would never falter. Mtt.22:37-39
As the knowledge the hope God’s Kingdom brings each of us, knowing it is a real government designed by God. When Jesus returns as King of that government, he will destroy every other government and those who have rejected his kingship through resistance of the Good News.
As his disciples learn these things they become responsible for teaching people what they have learned in their region until Christ returns or the “Constant Feature “is removed. Until then they “witness as Christ taught”. How did Christ teach his disciples to preach? He sent them out by twos to preach the message to all who lived in different areas. How could they know they had reached all? Only by knocking on every door in the select area, street after street until every household was spoken to. If no one was home, they would mark that in their records and come back to speak with that household at another time. First, they were commanded to go to Israel, then Samaria, then the rest of the inhabited Earth. Jesus will return as he taught, those doing this global work will know he was with them in the entirety as he has promised them. Mtt.24:14, Mark 13:10
Why must all be reached? Because the Almighty God is “Just”, “Righteous,” always doing what is fair and right, He is the epitome of justice in the Universe. This is why God has reached out to everyone who might take advantage of the life He is offering mankind, everlasting life in perfect health in peace and security on a paradisaic Earth. Heaven was never the reward, it is where those chosen to serve with Jesus will reside forever, their number is limited to 144,000. The little flock. He, Jehovah God, has given more than enough evidence of His being and His purpose and more than enough time for the generations of the “Last Days” to hear and take advantage of it this knowledge. The world has witnessed how He has impelled a people to selflessly do this work, that has taken billions of hours, year after year. At some point this message will just serve as a warning to the wicked, who like Adam, resist God’s direction, they resist even the truthfulness of this message and some even hate the thought of Him or His influence in their lives, even though the world is full of pain and suffering, on the verge of WW3, they resist. This is the difference between goats and sheep, the sheep follow and imitate their shepherd who is Christ, the goats resist. We all need to meditate on “How do we resist?”
The Holy Spirit is seen by it’s Works.