The Love of God Brings Enrichment


I knew when they brought her home that we would enrich her life, and she would enrich ours. This is no doubt similar to the way Jehovah God felt when creating Adam. Jehovah would have wanted to enjoy Adam for all eternity, like He does the angels. Dogs can live in the wild, never experiencing the love of a caring family. Mankind is for the most part living in the wild, not experiencing the love Jehovah gives to those who  seek Him out. The wildness of the world is caused by independent thinking, not giving any importance to anyone else but ourselves. Soon, our Father will welcome us home because we sought His love and guidance to enrich our lives. Our Love for Him and each other is all He expects back from each of us. For those who have never experienced the love of God, you are invited by Him to taste and see that Jehovah is Good. Matthew 5:3 states that just like air, water and food we have another need to fill before we can enjoy real life….? The first act towards discovering that need is by praying Our Father Jehovah please help me to know You better, help me to understand your word. In Jesus name I pray

Jeremiah 10:23   James 4:8  1 John 5:3