How a speck of blood could change the World
How could a speck of blood change the World? How would the World change? Where could we find that blood?
If genealogists were to find a speck of blood that had a DNA that resist diseases like Cancer, Heart disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and countless others they would then be able to compare the DNA of that blood and see how are DNA today is different. In time they would be able to correct the DNA of individuals so that the individual would never contract any disease. They would even be able to stop the common cold, influenza and pneumonia. In one or two generations children would be born that would never grow old and die. Our DNA is why our teeth, eyes and flesh age. Instead of the cells renewing and replacing old cells with the original cell formation, after a certain age, cells replace older cells with a slightly different cell then the original. As age progresses the difference in the replacement cell and the original increases. This leads to many auto immune diseases and visible loss of sight, hearing, teeth and hair which progress until death. A speck of the right blood could lead to the end of all these. Where is that blood?
According to the Bible, the child born as Jesus had such blood. He was not fathered by a man who has all the fleshly problems I just discussed. No, he was fathered by Almighty God. Jesus was perfect in his flesh. His DNA was perfect; he would never contract a disease or age. His cells would have perfectly replaced older cells for all eternity. Had Jesus not been put to death, he would be still living here in perfect health. The human body was originally created to live forever without any aches and pains or death. Just like the angels in Heaven, who have had a relationship with Almighty God Jehovah for billions of years, man was to be the same way. If genealogists were to find some of Jesus DNA from the stake he was nailed to, or the nails or the shroud he was covered with they could see what is wrong with the DNA of 8 billion people living here today.
How would that change the World? Would the Jew’s confess Jesus was the Christ? Would atheists now have faith in God just to gain life? Would it bring an end to all non-Christian faiths? Would it bring about an end of all violence since no one is willing to risk losing out on Eternal Life? Would it bring an end to crime since you could be sentenced to 1000 years in jail? Maybe not, even if we lived eternally we would still need some direction on how to make eternal life truly enjoyable. Where could we find that?
The Bible teaches that God will soon be un-bound. He has been allowing a perfect number of days to act as evidence that the rebellion against His Rightful Rulership over angels and men was all based on lies. Satan asserted that God was holding Adam, Eve and even other angels back from enjoying a better life. The evidence of history shows that no matter what form of government man chooses selfishness, greed, pride, ambition, love of power will embolden men to dominate men to their injury. The Good News for us today is that the total number of the days God gave Satan to prove his case are about to be complete. Jesus gave a composite sign that would prove to his followers that the very last day allowed Satan was near. What Jesus said can be read at Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21. The defining verse is at Matthew 24:14 where it reads: “And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come”. Jehovah’s Witnesses have for over a hundred years gone from door to door offering information about God’s Kingdom. They have virtually knocked on the door of every accessible home on Earth in fulfillment of that scripture. No other religion on Earth has even attempted to do this in one country, let alone the whole Earth. They have translated this message and the Bible into the language of the homeowner which attest the Justice of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah who has given this great warning before He acts. See the statistics
Now if the Good News has been preached in all the inhabited Earth, to all the nations, what’s next? The Apostle Luke worded it like this at Luke 21 verse 25: “Also, there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation. 26. People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28But as these things start to occur, stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near.” If this were to occur tomorrow, would you be in eager expectation of your deliverance or grief because you failed to take advantage of God’s patience? Learn more or Request a Free Home Bible for a few short minutes a week.